Sunday, May 25, 2008

Another Sabbatical!

Let's see where life takes me now!
(Photo courtesy: Dr. Arun Sharma)
You might be thinking: so this guy posts right after a month only to announce that he is taking another sabbatical? Jeez!
Well, not quite a sabbatical in the literal sense! I am moving to my new abode for the next 3 years, this week! So my Internet privileges are suspended till I get a fixed land line connection there and get a new ADSL connection thence!
To cut to the chase, I shall be able to post only when I get a net connection which shall take a month or thereabouts!
So if you have been reading regularly, stick around! I shall have absolutely new experiences to narrate once I begin again, (or so I hope!)
Who knows? I might even be back sooner than that!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"You might be thinking: so this guy posts right after a month only to announce that he is taking another sabbatical? Jeez!"

Took the words right out of my mouth, dude.

Best of luck with your moving!